Monday, May 11, 2009

Stop the Madness

Dear NAMI-Tyler, Well, you know a while back 'stop the madness' was a slogan in our country for something. I think drug abuse. I'm not sure. But the madness to me means stigma and intolerance to differences in people. Anyone that seems strange no matter what they really are inside - good or bad - are just picked on more. Maybe I'm the only one that feels this way. The trials I've lived through may have made me 'different'than others. Because I felt and heard so many angry remarks and felt so many hard feelings I would get very angry at people. I realized working w/ a man who has Alzheimer's (a mental illness) that we are all very human indeed. And all of us need to be understood. And I don't just mean those living with mental illnesses. I mean everyone. And if we don't watch it intolerance in this world (town) will win and we will be our own victims. And we will let the victimizers win the game. And you can print that. Thanks for listening.
Sincerely yours,
Karma Conaway

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